4 ways online conflict resolution training can help you

In our day-to-day life, disputes come up regularly. They may come up at work, at home, with family, friends, bosses, co-workers or even people on the street. Having effective tools to deal with these disputes can be critical in effectively managing these situations. One way to build these skills is through online conflict resolution training. In virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training workshops, participants are able to build their skills by gaining practical skills that will benefit them in all facets of life.

One concept that is talked about in the virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training is the importance of listening. While it may seem obvious that listening is important, there are many times in day-to-day life where we are passively listening in the background instead of actively listening. This leads to us missing many things that are being said, including some of the important details that are often conveyed more subtly. In the online conflict resolution training, we talk about how to listen effectively and use those skills. We give examples of issues that people run into with listening both in person and on video calls.

A second way in which the virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training can be helpful is the discussion about how to get what you want out of a dispute. Often times in high stress situations we lose track of what is important to us and sometimes act in a way that does not align with our goals. This may be exemplified by us only worrying about making others happy, trying to hurt others, willing to do anything to deescalate the situation, or a number of other things. In online conflict resolution training we will discuss the importance of figuring out what is important to you before entering the situation and give some ideas for how to keep that in mind as you navigate through a potentially difficult situation.

A third way that virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training can help is the time spent of how to resolve disputes effectively. The workshops will help participants deal with situations when they are one of the parties in the conflict and when they are a third party trying to help resolve the conflict. By dealing with both of those types of situations, participants are able to step into the shoes of the “other side” and get a better idea of how others might be thinking in a conflict. This allows the group doing the online conflict resolution training to explore many possible ways to work towards resolving a conflict that might work for different types of people in different situations.

A fourth way virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training can be beneficial is the ability to learn about the above skills from the comfort of your own home or office. Unlike in-person workshops that can require a large commitment of time for travel and planning, these workshops can be done by simply starting your computer wherever you are as long as there is a stable Internet connection and logging on. With online conflict resolution training, you are able to get all of the benefits of an interactive workshop while having the convenience of being at your desired location. The extra time saved can allow participants to build on their skills more and have some time to put towards their other obligations while the workshop is ongoing.

The Stitt Feld Handy Group conducts many types of virtual instructor-led conflict resolution training. Learn more about these programs at adr.ca.

To learn conflict resolution skills that you can use at work and in your personal life, please visit our Alternative Dispute Resolution Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.

To improve your negotiation skills and get the results you want while negotiating, please visit our Become a Powerful Negotiator Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.

To gain skills to handle difficult conversations and difficult people with confidence, please visit our Dealing With Difficult People Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.


We are a Canadian company that offers professional development programs around the world. The Stitt Feld Handy Group is a division of ADR Chambers, one of the largest providers of dispute resolution services in the world.

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