Diversity@Work awards

Continuing our commitment to cultural change for a more cohesive Australia, The Trillium Group has partnered with Diversity@Work as a supporting partner of its 2006 Awards.

The annual Diversity@Work Awards recognise, celebrate and promote achievements in diversity. Over the past 6 years since the Awards’ inception, companies and individuals have received community recognition of their innovative diversity initiatives. These could include any activities that promote employment and inclusion of various minority groups such as people with a disability, culturally and linguistically diverse Australians, Indigenous Australians and mature age workers.

We are privileged to provide a 3-day Negotiation Workshop for up to 18 participants, including resources, catering and one of our highly experienced instructors.

Diversity@Work is offering one registration at our valuable workshop to the first 18 companies who register a table of 10 or more for the 2006 Diversity@Work Awards Gala Dinner. A night of luxury and entertainment! In the past, this dinner has included addresses from keynote speakers such as Rev Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision; Phil Bullock, Managing Director of IBM Australia; and Tom Gorman, President of Ford Australia. The occasional performing arts troupe has also been known to make an appearance!

Nominations for Diversity Awards are taken from the general public via the website (www.diversityatwork.com.au). We encourage you to support this valuable community initiative.

To learn conflict resolution skills that you can use at work and in your personal life, please visit our Alternative Dispute Resolution Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.

To improve your negotiation skills and get the results you want while negotiating, please visit our Become a Powerful Negotiator Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.

To gain skills to handle difficult conversations and difficult people with confidence, please visit our Dealing With Difficult People Workshop page to learn more about upcoming in-person and instructor-led online sessions.


We are a Canadian company that offers professional development programs around the world. The Stitt Feld Handy Group is a division of ADR Chambers, one of the largest providers of dispute resolution services in the world.

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