Construction Adjudication and ODACC Orientation Program

Attendees at this program will learn about the changes to Ontario’s Construction Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C. 30, and the opportunity for qualified individuals to act as adjudicators for construction contract disputes.

Course Overview

The sessions will be Virtual Instructor-Led using ZOOM. Attendees will learn about the types of disputes that can be adjudicated, the roles and functions of the adjudicator, how to conduct adjudications, the requirements for preparing written determinations at the conclusion of the adjudications, and other information about the construction adjudication processes and fees.

Ontario’s Construction Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C. 30, (the “Act”) was amended in October 2019 to establish an interim adjudication regime for construction contract disputes in Ontario. As a result, there are opportunities for qualified individuals to act as adjudicators for construction adjudications.

Ontario Dispute Adjudication for Construction Contracts (“ODACC”) was appointed as the Authorized Nominating Authority (the “ANA”) under the Act. As the ANA for construction adjudication in Ontario, ODACC is responsible for overseeing and administering the statutory adjudication regime. ODACC has designed a number of processes and procedures to govern and assist adjudicators and to manage adjudications under this regime. ODACC is also responsible for developing and providing this training program and on-going training for people who are interested in becoming adjudicators under the Act. Finally, ODACC is responsible for evaluating interested applicants for the role of adjudicator under the Act.

To be an adjudicator, one must complete the Construction Adjudication and ODACC Orientation Program, and submit an adjudicator application which will be reviewed by ODACC. Successful applicants will receive a notice in writing that they have received a certificate of qualification to adjudicate for ODACC. To commence an adjudication and to access the Adjudicator Registry, please visit

Who Should Attend?

This Program is designed for anyone interested in becoming an adjudicator for construction contract disputes or for anyone who simply wishes to know more about the new interim adjudication regime.

Law Society of Ontario Accreditation

2-Day program – 5 Professional CPD hours & 9 Substantive CPD hours
Online component – 2 Professional CPD hours & 1 Substantive hour

Visit our accreditations page for full details.

Learning Outcomes

The Construction Adjudication and ODACC Orientation Program (the “Program”) has an asynchronous component and a two-day live online component. The Program has been designed to provide participants with:

  • Information regarding the scope and purpose of interim adjudication under the Act;
  • An understanding of the types of disputes that can and cannot be adjudicated;
  • An understanding of the role of the adjudicator under the Act;
  • Information regarding the practical aspects of the adjudication process (such as timelines);
  • Guidance on managing the adjudication process;
  • An understanding of the Adjudicators’ Code of Conduct;
  • Information regarding the fee structure for adjudications;
  • An overview of the process by which ODACC will appoint adjudicators if the parties have failed to select an adjudicator;
  • An introduction to the secure electronic system that ODACC adjudicators will be required to use; and
  • Guidance to help adjudicators avoid common mistakes that might lead to breaches of the Adjudicators Code of Conduct or determinations being overturned on judicial review.


  • Learn more about the adjudication regime;
  • Learn how to function effectively as an adjudicator;
  • Learn more about the processes and fees associated with the regime; and
  • Meet the requirements for training to become a construction adjudicator*.

* Please note that the Construction Adjudication and ODACC Orientation Program is not a substitute for the 10 years of construction experience that adjudicator applicants must have to be qualified to apply for a certificate of qualification to adjudicate for ODACC nor does completion of the Program alone automatically allow you to receive a certificate to adjudicate for ODACC.

Space is limited

The ODACC in-person training is limited to 24 people for each session. Registrations are confirmed when payment is received. Courses will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We regret that we cannot hold a reservation in a training program pending payment.

Adjudicator Application Process

All adjudicators for ODACC must hold a valid certificate of qualification to adjudicate (a “Certificate”) issued by ODACC. To be eligible to hold a Certificate, an adjudicator applicant must meet the criteria as set out in the Regulations (details of which can be found at

For more information about ODACC and the application process to become an ODACC adjudicator, please contact ODACC at

Upcoming Sessions

Graduates receive a certificate of completion from the Stitt Feld Handy Group.

May 14 – 15, 2025

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