If you want to enhance workplace productivity, performance and communication, we can help by providing customized training on Collaborative Work Skills. Collaborative Work Skills is a distillation of the principles of negotiation, dispute resolution, communication, leadership and interpersonal skills development, applied so as to enhance the functioning of your organization.
Key objectives of Collaborative Work Skills training include:
- Improving communication skills internally and externally between stakeholders
- Enhancing productivity and negotiation skills
In addition to the methods employed in our public workshops we can customize a number of specific training pieces on Collaborative Work Skills. Follow our link for a sample of Collaborative Workplace Skills tools.
Some of the tools we can use in Collaborative Workplace Skills training include:
- Workplace conflict negotiation and mediation role plays dealing with a variety of issues and contexts including interpersonal problems, monetary issues, lying, harassment issues, union settings, non-union settings, etc.
- Interactive Listening exercises
- Improving Feedback exercises
- One on one or group coaching on mediation skills, including video analysis and review, by instructors or our roster of experienced mediation coaches.
- Professional videos of workplace situations for discussion
- Fully customized role plays based on facts provided by you
- Video-taping and review and analysis of collaborative work skills
- Complex multi-party role plays
- Live demonstrations of mediation
- Exercises on brainstorming and problem-solving
- Exercises on dealing with difficult/inflammatory situations and comments